A Message from Dr. Teresa Brown, Superintendent
It is my pleasure to welcome you to the school year! My husband Lee and I moved to Madison in August 2022 and are enjoying the community and meeting many new people. Madison is a great place to raise a family and has much to offer its community—including a quality education! I have found our school district has a talented team of teachers, administrators, and support staff who work together to provide our students with a variety of opportunities designed to meet the needs of all students. I am excited to join this team and look forward to serving you.
I have been an educator for over 37 years. I have served as a superintendent, assistant superintendent for the Indiana Department of Education, principal, assistant principal, and teacher over the course of my career. I have spent my life working with others to improve the lives of our children through education. I have seen the power of working together and the positive change that can occur if we have many voices around the table and are focused on finding solutions. Our students deserve our best every day. I am committed to finding ways to contribute to this outstanding school district and look forward to developing relationships and partnerships as I meet each of you in the coming year.
I would like to introduce our District Administrative Leadership Team.

Kenton Mahoney, Principal, Rykers' Ridge Elementary

Jordan Warner, Principal, Madison Junior High School