learning to live, living to serve.
Started in 1967, Madison Consolidated High School’s FFA chapter is rich in tradition, highly decorated in leadership and achievement, and has been a time-honored legacy for generations.
The vision of FFA declares students whose lives are impacted by FFA and agricultural education will achieve academic and personal growth, strengthen American agriculture and provide leadership to build healthy local communities, a strong nation, and a sustainable world. This is achieved through their mission to make a positive difference in the lives of students by developing their potential for premier leadership, personal growth, and career success through agricultural education.

Madison FFA Student and Chapter Achievements
2012 - Top 30 FFA chapters
2013 - First place at State in Agriculture Communications advancing to National level
2014 - Section 4 Star in Agribusiness awarded to Katy McFarland
2014 - State Winner in AG Mechanics and Job Interview
2015 - Section 4 Star Farmer awarded to Ben Hay
2015 - Top 30 Chapter in the State, a Gold Emblem Donor, and named State Agriculture Program of the Year
2015 - National finalist in Agricultural Communication - Entrepreneurship/Placement awarded to Catherine Fisher
2015 - Advanced to State in Soils and Forestry Career Development Events
2023 Chapter Officers

President - Lilly Cox
Secretary - Sydney Huff
Treasurers - Shelby Morton & Leanna Graham
Reporters - Abby Ferguson & Lainie Alexander
Sentinel - Brenten Wright
Student Advisor - Creed Helton
Historian - Emma Richey

A student has to be enrolled in one agriculture class to be a member of FFA.
Is FFA only for students who live on a farm?
No, FFA is a national student organization focusing on the vast number of elements of agriculture. There are 8 career pathways in agriculture: Agribusiness Systems, Animal Systems, Biotechnical Systems, Environmental Service Systems, Food Products and Processing Systems, Natural Resources Systems, Plant Systems, and Power, Structural and Technical Systems.
How will FFA enhance my overall student experience?
FFA offers a number of individual and team events to enhance your academic experience. FFA was founded on the principles of servant leadership and offers members opportunities to explore leadership at the local, state, and national levels.
What types of things will I learn through participation with FFA?
In addition to the agriculture education curriculum, you will have an opportunity to explore things like horticulture, forest management, soils, parliamentary procedure, public speaking, job interview preparation, community and civic involvement, and personal growth opportunities - really, about anything you can imagine!
Contact Us
For additional information please download the information flyer and/or contact the chapter advisor:
Mrs. Amanda Briggs
Madison Consolidated High School
743 Clifty Drive
Madison, IN 47250
Annual Fruit Sale
The MCHS FFA chapter kicks off their annual fresh fruit sale in early October. Profits from this popular fundraiser help cover student expenses related to state, regional, and national competitions and conventions, camps, scholarships, and materials for the FFA and MCHS agriculture department. Please contact an FFA student to place an order or contact Mrs. Briggs with questions at or 812-274-8333.